SP23 Research on Wildfire
30 nov. 2023In pairs and small groups, they need to look for information related to climate change and wildfires, the history of fire, the role of media and the importance of community action. The actions are guided by UOC researchers
In this part, the students had different tasks in the Google Classroom:
-Look at the maps and compare, where they had to see how at risk their region was in relation to wildfires and how climate change isaffecting different regions.
-How do you feel about it all? In a Google Form the students had different questions related to climate change, wildfires and emotions and they had to discuss them with their mates and fill in the questionnaire. They also had to look at images about wildfiresand art related to wildfire to awaken their feelings. That way, they identified their emotions, explained and shared them and created a link with the Erasmus partners