One group of students was welcomed by forestry workers of Castelldefels who did a brief introduction about their work in a form of powerpoint presentation. The students were also involved and encouraged to answer forestry workers´ intriguing questions, such as "Which of these elements can cause a forest fire?". To make it even more personal experience, there were two students whovoluntarily tried on workers´ P.P.E.  (Personal Protective Equipment). Later, the forestry workers invited students, with a hands-onactivity, to see the tools and strategies they follow for the prevention of wildfires.

SPB23 Castelldefels Forestry workers
SPB23 Castelldefels Forestry workers
SPB23 Castelldefels Forestry workers
SPB23 Castelldefels Forestry workers
SPB23 Castelldefels Forestry workers
SPB23 Castelldefels Forestry workers
SPB23 Castelldefels Forestry workers
SPB23 Castelldefels Forestry workers
SPB23 Castelldefels Forestry workers
SPB23 Castelldefels Forestry workers
SPB23 Castelldefels Forestry workers
SPB23 Castelldefels Forestry workers
SPB23 Castelldefels Forestry workers
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