2013-02-25 Réunion de projet en Finlande
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Comenius Project 2012/2014 – teachers’ Meeting in Finland 25/02 02/03 2013
Week Report
During the week from 25/02 -02/03 some of the teachers taking part in the European Comenius Project “Smart and Simple, met, as previously agreed at the partner school in Finland.
Finnland: Mrs Benita Mr. Henrik Forssten, Mr Niklas Degerlund, Mr Peter Nordlund
Sweden: Mrs Ingrid Lundin, Mr Ingvar Bjorn
The Netherlands: Mr Rogér Dols, Mr Emile Joosen
Italy: Mrs Daniela Romoli
Poland: Mrs Anna Brygman-Studencka, Mrs Alina
Aims of the meeting:
- Monitoring the project development and modify the studentss’ work calendary if neccesary
- Showing and sharing the students’ work and products
- Discussing the partnership activities undertaken so far and the results achieved
- Sharing obstacles and problems met in the implementation of the project
- Visiting the local schools, taking part into lessons and comparing school European systems and testing
- Discovering the local culture and visiting places of natural and cultural importance.
According to the programme planned by the hosting team, every day the teachers worked to reach the aims described.
Sunday 24th February
Arrival of the Swedish team and of the Polish Team
Monday 25th February
Morning session: 9.00 Visit of the school/ taking part into lessons
Afternoon session: 12.45 Project Meeting: The present teachers looked through the calendar planned at the beginnig of the project, discussed it and realized that not all the partners had done what had been planned respecting deadlines. In particular the Logo competition final has been postponed to the 11th March because only some weeks ago all the logos were uploaded on the site.
Works ended at 15.00
Tuesday 26th February
Arrival of the Italian teacher (Mrs Daniela Romoli).
Morning session: 9.00 Visit of the school/ taking part into lessons
9.30 Project meeting. Discussing the previous day issues and modifyng some of the deadlines of the project planning ( see attached document).
Problems related to the use of the Google group: some of the teachers said to have problems with logging onto the google group. After logging onto the group, we realized that the problems could be linked with the browser. Firefox or Chrome would be the best to use the google group as a material/opinion sharing place. We realized every partner subscribed except for France so we told the group administrator Mrs Fiorna Birchell (UK) to invite the French teacher to join.
Afternoon session: 13.00 guided tour of the old town of Ekenas. 15.00 coffee break at the Gamla Stans Café. Meeting with a PE teacher of the school who explained the benefits of winter swimming.
Wednesday 27th February
Arrival of the Dutch team ( Mr Roger Dols and Mr Emile Joosen)
Morning session: 10.00 meeting with the head of our Educational Department, Mr. Robert Nyman: the Raseborg region, education and schools in the region, Finnish school system. Comparisons with the European countries: discussion.
Afternoon session: 12.15 Project meeting: sharing decisions discussed the previous days with the Dutch. Presenting the works done by the students in the different countries. Starting to work on the official progress report. 13.45 Visit of Raseborg Castle and shopping in Fiskars
Thursday 28th February
Morning session: h.9.00 Project meeting working on the official progress report.
A- activities undertaken and the results achieved so far:
- Fractals Production of logos for the project, competition
- Optical Illusions – study of perspective, discussions on optical illusions found, power point presentation on website
- Creation of website www.ourcomenius.eu – website with current information about the project and links to all the partner schools
- Power point about each country’s most important inventions/inventors – presented during exchanges – and on the website.
- Students help in the community - Photos on the website
- Local industries – job ad – photos
Afternoon session: 11.30 Winter adventure: bbq on an island of the archipelago ( means of transport: car/ferry/ hovercraft).
15.00 back to school and project meeting working on the official progress report.
B- problems/obstacles have you met in the implementation of the Partnership
- Keeping deadlines – accept different cultures, agreed on new deadlines
- Google group – technical problems – new browser
- Agreeing on dates for teachers meetings – 7 countries with different test weeks, and different holidays.
- Late information from the agency. Portugal was not accepted and this affected our planning concerning our exchanges, as we were not informed until October.
Meeting wth the local journalist.
17.00 end of the project meeting
19.00 official final dinner
Friday 1st March
Departure of the Swedish and Polish teams.
Italian and Dutch teams attend lessons and visit the secondary upper school ( only Dutch) in the morning.
Free afternoon
Saturday 2nd March
Departure of the Italian and Dutch teams