The students were invited to participate in the various activities related to the 40th anniversary of IES Huelin.The exchange students (France and Sweden)  joined the different activities together with with the students from IES Huelin in the school playground and classrooms. Example of the activities: food from different countries, painting with water colours, making shapes with balloons, egg and spoon races, baskeball, escape rooms, exhibitions in classrooms and a theatre show by students at the school. At the end of the festivities a few Spanish students used musical instruments and sang the school anthem, all of the other students gathered around and joined in the chorus. 

A buzz of activity, laughter and happy faces. Many students not involved in the exchange took the opportunity to communicate in English with the Erasmus students and the teachers from France and Sweden. The exchange students got a great opportunity to experience first-hand celebrations at a Spanish school, getting cultural awareness and a deeper understanding for the Spanish school environment and culture and also communicating in Spanish and English. 


Actively using language to partake in an activity with students from other countries, communicating and sharing experience of the anniversary festivities at the Spanish school. Cultural awareness in the activity opened up for better understanding for others/tolerance and openness for other cultures, societies and peoples. Digitalization is integrated through the use of multimedia resources during the activity.

SPM24 School anniversary 40 years old
SPM24 School anniversary 40 years old
SPM24 School anniversary 40 years old
SPM24 School anniversary 40 years old
SPM24 School anniversary 40 years old
SPM24 School anniversary 40 years old
SPM24 School anniversary 40 years old
SPM24 School anniversary 40 years old
SPM24 School anniversary 40 years old
SPM24 School anniversary 40 years old
SPM24 School anniversary 40 years old
SPM24 School anniversary 40 years old
SPM24 School anniversary 40 years old
SPM24 School anniversary 40 years old
SPM24 School anniversary 40 years old
SPM24 School anniversary 40 years old
SPM24 School anniversary 40 years old
SPM24 School anniversary 40 years old
SPM24 School anniversary 40 years old
SPM24 School anniversary 40 years old
SPM24 School anniversary 40 years old
SPM24 School anniversary 40 years old
SPM24 School anniversary 40 years old
SPM24 School anniversary 40 years old
SPM24 School anniversary 40 years old
SPM24 School anniversary 40 years old
SPM24 School anniversary 40 years old
SPM24 School anniversary 40 years old
SPM24 School anniversary 40 years old
SPM24 School anniversary 40 years old
SPM24 School anniversary 40 years old
SPM24 School anniversary 40 years old
SPM24 School anniversary 40 years old
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