07 août 2022The school first received an exhibition on the values of Olympism entitled "History, sport and citizenship", from the Athens Olympics in 1896 to the Paris Olympics in 2024, which was freely available to all students at the school. Then, 2 classes worked on the values of Olympism from this exhibition.
A class studying Latin and Ancient Greek researched the history of the Olympic Games, the first event being the Panhellenic Games which were held regularly in Greece, and they produced slide shows on the 3 other competitions : the Isthmian Games, the Nemean Games and the Pythian Games.
in which they had to indicate the location of the city in Greece, the duration of the competition, the origins of the competition, the participants and the course, the rewards, the posterity of the competition today. In a second step they chose one of the Olympic values represented in the exhibition and made a second slide show where they had to find a Latin or Greek text that illustrates the value, present the author and the work and explain the value in this text. After that, they worked on the sportsman or woman with whom this value was associated in the exhibition : they selected 3 photos, researched his or her life and record of achievements and justified how he or she illustrated the value he or she represented.
A second class worked on the values of Olympism today : the class was divided into groups of 2, the students created slide shows where they had to give the etymology and the definition of the value, find an image that represented it. Then, they thought about this value in several areas : sports (why this value is important in sport ?, present a sportsman who embodies it), working life (list of 3 to 5 advantages, benefits), everyday life (list of 3 to 5 situations where it is manifested), song (make a word cloud from a song that illustrates the value), cinema (present a film that illustrates the value).
The students of the two classes presented their slideshows orally and then printed them out to create a poster exhibition that they displayed during the Erasmus days in the school hall. They also went to conferences where they were able to meet high level champions, health and disability specialists, historians of the Olympics.